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First Pairs Down!



On Sunday I paired up the first two pairs of the Miller birds. The birds are really settling down and all look better than they did on the pictures and when I get them home and I wasn't disappointed at either of those points either so really pleased at the moment.


A bird that really takes my eye is a Grey Normal Hen. She looked good in the photo below which Richard posted, but in the feather looks much bigger and longer than she did on the picture! :-)




The first pair down were Pair 7.


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Although the hen is flecked I am happy with the pairing and look forward to seeing what occurs.


The second pair down were Pair 13. Both of these birds are really nice and features one of the Cinnamon Sky Blues which form the nucleus of the birds as they are all related.


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Fingers crossed! :-)


My favourite cock now has a box of 5 healthy rung chicks. Three Dom Pieds and two normals. If you didn't see the previous post this was the pairing.


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Normal light green is out of a SAM1 Dark Green hen to a Geoff Tuplin Sky Spangle. The hen is a Cinnamon Grey Dominant Pied and apparently is from Norwood lines. Looking forward to seeing the youngsters, they certainly seem to have inherited the fathers size at the moment.


I have changed my routine lately as well and I am feeding soft food in the morning, this has resulted in the pairs eating more food and a lot less pressure in the evening when I get home. By mixing the night before and getting my bum out of bed half an hour earlier it means in the evening I am adding a bit more to those that have eaten all of theirs and just topping up seed and changing water. Much more relaxed.


Where the weather has turned it all seems to be going well in the bird room :-)


Hope you are all doing well and enjoying it, I know I am!






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