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It's Been A While!



It's been a weird week.


The clutch I moved didn't hatch! Then to make it worse a clutch of round two eggs that were fertile and the pair had hatched and reared successfully previously didn't hatch. It's not easy this hobby is it! I bought a devise to monitor humidity and temp, which seems to be consistently around 60% and 8-10 degrees. Sound about right?


But good news - the pair mentioned previously including my best cock have their first chick and it looks like they are going to feed it too! she is sat on another 5 fertile eggs too so fingers crossed.


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One of the other pairs that I put down now has two eggs too, although I'm not sure how well she is sitting.


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The DF is also a Golden Face and a bird from Geoff Bowley so very excited to see what happens


Two more pairs down tomorrow, one of which is this one I think


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The cock is mine and apart from the flecking I love him. The hen is from H&M lines and as far as I can tell has a clean background. Very excited to see what happens here ;-)

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Second chick from the light green pair, first is fit and healthy so fingers crossed :-)

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