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Todays Update



Not much done in the shed today, just the essentials , washed and refilled the drinkers and topped up the feeders.

re filled the drinkers with cider vinegar which I do once a week although I feel the birds do not like it as they do not seem to drink much on that day

as for the birds

box 2 continue to go through the ritual of making nests

box 3 is proving to be a good mother and is feeding the chicks as and when

box 4 is still waiting for the eggs to hatch( these are fostered to her from the hen in box 5 but she took to them so that's good news)

box 5 hen has now gone into the nest box after much trying and some wasted eggs although I must keep an eye on her as I have not seen the cock feed her and have not seen her out today


As for works done this week I am really pleased with the CCTV system I have two cameras one in and one outside and the clarity is excellent , not bad for something which cost me nothing bar some help and advice to an IT company who needed help with Health & safety information which is something I do daily and only took me 3 hours to complete , compared to the price of my system I was a really good deal for me. The system records on a 7 day cycle and is also connected to my laptop so every now and again I can check the shed from the comfort of my armchair.



Jobs to be done in the shed in the coming month


1/ The existing roof covering is a product called Trocal, it has been on there for 6+ years and two shed moves and still it holds good. I however need to insulate the roof and rather than cut pieces between rafters I am going to overlay the outer surface with a 100mm celotex and then cover with a fresh layer of Trocal . This I hope will keep the little beauties warm and dry for many years.


2/ I need to do an extract system and with my very short arms and very deep pockets( otherwise known as being a skinflint ) I aim to do it on a very small budget. If I can use a bathroom/ kitchen extract system it will cost me next to nothing being in the trade (in fact to be truthful it would cost nothing) any useful details / ideas etc to help me get this set up would be much appreciated .


That's all for now.


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