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Books Wanted



I am trying to make a budgerigars firm. Now I am searching for a guide book about that. Please help me to give me a books link about budgerigars farming book.


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Guest Mike Chase


I've just seen this thread ............. is this bloke serious, surely not.

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Mike just can't figure out what he's after, how anyone with little or no basic knowedge of budgerigars can produce a film, as for the (Farm) comment I'd think best forgotten.WillieP.

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Chris Deighan


Judging by his name I would say his English is either not too good or he is using some form of translator?

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Overseas folk often refer to farm as breeding, just a different way of explaining things. I think you guys should be a little more patient and ask for more info before going off on one with overseas members as English is not their native tongue. Perhaps a few questions asked before judgement may encourage a new site member. I have books available free of charge Shanour hossain you pay postage and I will send.

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Shouldn't have to explain myself but your first post appeared to suggest you intended to make a budgerigar film then mentioned looking for a guide book about budgerigar farming can't blame us being confused.Were you successful in obtaining a guide book on your project. WillieP.

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