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Late Bred 2016 Pied

Jon Ashby








Took a couple of photos around the shed yesterday, as time allowed, during what has been a very busy Christmas.


I discovered today that Kevin is back in hospital. Spoke briefly with him on the telephone and he was not in a brilliant way. Long term I am confident he will be fully recovered, but it is a sticky patch at this time, that's for certain. I am sure everyone still misses his input into the smooth running of the forum. He can talk for England, but is a forum stalwart, and his contribution to the EBF cannot be underestimated.


I took time to visit my mate, Gerry Gilbert today. We had a nice hour and a bit chatting and catching up. He is a really decent bloke, with such a fun sense of humour. I always consider I have been lucky with the friendships I have made in this wonderful hobby of ours.


I also managed this week to pick up a 2013 Les Martin rung cock from a friend. I will run it to a hen I have for it just to see what it chucks and then I will pass it to Kevin as a get well present. Hoping to breed a decent split hen out of it for future breeding seasons. Here's hoping. ;)


Meanwhile, in the shed, the twenty of so babies I have bred so far are beginning to feather up. Ten have a 2017 ring on. Please let a couple be really decent for showing purposes. Lol.


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