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Fingers Crossed

kevin bore


I've had a late box inspection today and found another pinkie in pair 3 and just the one in the feeder pair 7- that's 4 chicks in three days for pair 3 so I closed the box up and scratched my head as you do- I'm not sure the hen would manage so many so close together as the size differential between them and the feeder chick was quite staggering- but I guess that happens when you have to split crop milk four ways- so rather than leave it until it becomes a "I should have" I transferred the new chick to the feeders to share the risk. The feeders chick is very pink ( I even checked it wasn't a red eye) compared to the other chicks which are quite red so fingers crossed all is well as i recall bad endings for red chicks as I am assuming they are behind due to volume and its my eyes playing up... but time will tell.

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kevin bore


i'd like to delete this blog as i use the other one but i cant find out how?

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