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Ed Freel's Blog

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The Pie Mans Blog

Hiya again   I ve found another way of reading the blogs when clicking on blogs click on options then read latest it seems to work   Hows that working everyone   Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   Ed    

Ed Freel

Ed Freel

The Pie Mans Blog

Morning   Hiya everyone Im trying something & if it works great   Ive had a few people telling me its hard finding my blog so Im trying something new when blogging   Ok Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   Ed

Ed Freel

Ed Freel

Piemans Blogs Premier Edition

Hi As I have been running a blog on the forum since the forum started & people seem to like it I will continue As everyone will know I have been a bit absent of late   All the funeral arrangements are sorted so I can get back to my birds   I will blitz the sheds over the weekend I will feel happier doing it   I now have some youngsters almost ready to go into the flight Ive about 6 pinkies almost ready for ringing Once One Cock has finished rearing the youngsters Im going to tr

Ed Freel

Ed Freel

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