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Beginners journey

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Up's And Downs

Well the 2014 season has had it's ups and downs. Of the first 21 birds that I put 2014 rings on, I have lost 9 so far. 6 from the same pair in two different nest due to the hen feather plucking. 2 to being feather dusters, and one to some mysterious illness that I thought I had got it through. It's sibling is still quarantined and I can only hope it survives. The real annoying thing is that they were both flying around my lounge last night as if they were on the mend. They were both alive this m



Hot To Trot

I decided earlier in the year that I wouldn't breed over the winter, instead curtail all activities at the latest in December. But the birds seem to have different ideas. Most of them are or are coming into condition right now and bouncing off the walls. I had to segregate one cock who I caught flinging two of his brothers of perches by their wings because he is so smitten with a young hen (4 months old). If only she where 6 months old I would pop them in a cage and give them a go. I have anothe




After having put down 5 pairs I have ended up with 3 pairs with eggs. Pair No.1 six eggs all clear, pair No2 two eggs. One fertile the other I now presume dead in shell. Pair 3 Eight eggs all fertile. Three have hatched so far, so the next one to hatch will go under pair 1 and the one after that under pair number 2, etc. I shouldn't grumble but the other two pairs are the ones that I most wanted to get young out of. Anyway my way of thinking is if they both bring up at least one chick each the



More Pairs

I've put down a few more pairs in the last couple of weeks, and they are showing signs of interest in the nest box's. Fingers crossed as two or three of the hens that I have selected I'm doubtful of. They are the type that just sit around all day looking nice, brown cere's but no obvious action of eagerness to breed.



Dead Youngster

Just found the eldest of four dead in the nest box almost fully feathered , never lost one this far advanced before. I had to remove the mother a few days ago as she had plucked the down from all the chicks. Father has been doing a sterling job feeding them by himself but this afternoon I have found the eldest dead. Yesterday one of the two eldest jumped out of my hands and fell 4 feet to the floor. But seemed unscathed. Also I'm sure it was not the one that has just passed away. I will send i



Early Days

Hi everyone, I first fell in love with budgies in the early seventies. I used to visit my Nan and Grandad in Cronton Lancashire at the weekends with my dad. A neighbour of their's, Joe Thompson kept a small mixed aviary of Budgies and foreign finches. He used to let me call round and I would spend hours there watching his birds and chatting to him. My dad quickly noticed my interest and asked me if I would like to have my own aviary. I of course said yes and Dad gave over his brick built shed w



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