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Alan Bundy - My Challenge

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The life and times of Alan Bundy in the hobby

Entries in this blog

Welcome To My Blog - Alan Bundy

My Challenge (003)         In 2011 I was planning a trip over to the club show and an aviary tour of bird rooms. Steve Holland was helpful in setting up these visits. He decided to write an article about traveling to shows. To my surprise he wrote about me traveling 14 hours one way to Wisconsin, USA to one of the shows they have there. Who would think that I would be in the Budgerigar Society magazine as the feature article. It reminds me of how much this hobby has done for me.   2009



Welcome To My Blog - Alan Bundy

My Challenge (002)             I started back in the hobby the end of 2006 and I went online to see if I could find one of the old Champion breeders that I bought birds from back in 1990. He wasn't around but I was able to connect to a club and through email found someone very helpful in finding good stock to start with. I was invited to a Club meeting and drove down with cages to the meeting. It was a 2 hour drive. I brought back 4 pair of birds from 2 Champion breeders and this is wh



Welcome To My Blog - Alan Bundy

My Challenge (001)           Dear Forum friends, thanks for checking on my 1st post. I have decided to call this blog My Challenge. I think I stole that name from Gerald Binks book but in fact isn’t that what we are in? I write a blog on blogspot that you are welcome to check out where I write about my travels over the last couple years to some of the top bird rooms in England.   I am in fact from America but have had the benefit of growing up in Rhodesia, Africa before it was called Z



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